Self-Esteem Part 2: What The Bible Says About How We Should View Ourselves
In one sense, low self-esteem is the opposite of pride. In another sense, low self-esteem is a form of pride. It is rejecting what God says about us, and putting our opinion above God’s. Low self-esteem is a focus on all the negative thoughts others may be having about us, and is, in that respect, self-centered. Also some people with low self-esteem are very defensive about their looks or abilities because they are hanging on to their last shred of self-esteem and when it is threatened they become enraged, argumentative and accusatory. It simply takes a different route to get to the same destination, that is, self-absorption, self-obsession, and selfishness.…
Self-Esteem Part 1: Why an Accurate Self-Concept Matters
Some extreme behaviors that result from an inaccurate view of “self” are: extreme pride and self-centeredness, chronic lying, absence from church and school, legalism, severe withdrawal from society, lower academic achievement, deep feelings of loneliness, workaholism, depression, poor mate selection, extreme self-criticism, substance abuse, sexual promiscuity, unreasonable fears, avoidance of intimate relationships and suicidal thinking and attempts. Providing the right foundation for our children’s self-esteem is one of the many important things we do for them. It is important because how we see ourselves affects the way we treat others and the way we allow ourselves to be treated. The way we think about ourselves can often be traced back…